Posts tagged acid reality
:: Acid Reality ::

Acid Reality - film short - was created in collaboration with filmmakers Hayden Bannochie and Carlos Mancebo on a theme of acid rain in Sao Paulo. Celluloid films of the cityscape were dipped in sulphuric acid to produce a rainbow of distorted images. In a similar manner,  cassette tapes of Bossa Nova were also dipped in acid, played back and the results recorded digitally. These elements were then interwoven to create a drama of dissolution and rebirth - the cityscape and bossa nova band dissolving in a torrent of rainbow hues.

The film was premiered on the 12th of October 2008 at LSO St Luke’s as part of the Mapmaking event.

Acid Reality from CarlosMancebo on Vimeo.

According to musicologist Nicholas Cook, the visuals of multimedia either ‘conform’, ‘complement’ or ‘contest’ the music; the remarkable Equator Project {Acid Reality} did all three… The makers of … {Acid Reality} … have conjured a garish narrative of destruction that reveals and explains the process of its making; the piece is avant-garde and confrontational, yet completely understandable as a piece of communication… Stunning.
— Eye Magazine reviews film collaboration Acid Reality at LSO St. Luke’s 2008. Read the full review
David Ibbettpress, acid reality