Posts tagged sophiavastek
MoR: Impulse @ The Armory

A huge thank you to all of our incredible colleagues who helped us put on an amazing show in Somerville!  To all of the terrific composers who wrote new works - Emily Koh, Giovanni Piacentini, Sam Torres, Clifton Ingram, and Curtis K. Hughes.  To the amazing cellist Stephen Marotto who joined us on stage.  To the Armory for all their invaluable help in putting on a technically spotless show.  And of course, to biologist Paul Garrity, for believing in our work and teaching us about the evolution of sensory perception.  

We also had an amazing time leading workshops at Yamaha and Boston University!  Thanks to all for an inspiring few days in the Boston area!

We had an amazing time at the NoiseGate Festival a few weeks back.  A huge thank you to Dr. Tae Hong Park who brought us on board, the whole NoiseGate crew who made the show run smoothly, our videographers, and of course, everyone who came out!   A very special thanks to the NYU physics students who came to our pre-concert event and asked us GREAT questions.  And lastly, a huge thank you to physicist Matthew Kleban who has continually supported our efforts and is a wonderful (and brilliant) human being.  

Music of Reality @ Noisegate Festival NYC

8pm Friday, Sept 23, 2016 @ New York University, Steinhardt, NYC


Cosmic Microwave Background Sonifications - David Ibbett

Talk - Dr. Tae Hong Park: Urban Noise Pollution

Nunataks - John Luther Adams

Omniscience is a Collective - Jaime Reis

Night Music - Stephan Cabell

Talk - Matthew Kleban: “Pure Noise: Discoveries from the Cosmic Microwave Background”

Music of Reality I & II - David Ibbett

Lecture: Prof. Matthew Kleban - “Pure Noise: Discoveries from the Cosmic Microwave Background”


Sophia Subbayya Vastek, piano

David Ibbett, electronics


The inaugural NoiseGate Festival is a collaboration between The United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network (UN-SDSN) Global Arts Initiative, Citygram, Harvestworks, Monthly Music Hackathon, Music of Reality, Kadenze, ThinkCoffee, University of Redlands. The theme of the festival is centered on the environment in a broad sense, while also aiming to bring awareness to spatial noise, with a particular focus on urban noise pollution.  More information:

This program is rooted in our relationship with the physical world.  Man-made noise, as with any other kind of pollution, masks parts of our world and renders it different from before.  As a word in our cultural language, noise is often associated with “non-music” and the ugly, but noise is everywhere on this earth, and is part of its sheer beauty, when one listens.